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is a gemstone frormed from a mixture of tow minerals from the orthoamphibole
group: anthophyllite andgedrite. The name Nuummite is derived from the
Municipality of Nuuk, where the stone was discovered in 1982. It has since been
found in several localities in the outer part of the Godthaabsfjord near Nuuk.
Geologically speaking, Nuummite was formed about 3 billion years ago. Subsequent
influences on the rock (metamorphism) have given rise to the striking mixture of
crystsals which gives Nuummite itsumique appearance. Rocks resembling Nuummite
are also found in few minor occurrences in USA, but it is only in Greenland type
that color a tion is developed well enough for the stone to de suitable for
gemstones.Elongated crystals, often in sheaflike groups. In the transition
between the individual crystals (and especially the thin ones), en optical
effect is created causing a special ”inner” golden brown glow. This effect is
also called iridescence, and is especially disrinct on polisshed surfaces. The
result is that the crystals appesr as bright lamellae, almost like flames in a
fire. The colos vary somewhat between
reddish, greenish and bluish huesz, sometimes even within the same lamella.
Between the bright lammellae, the color is dark brown to black.
In nuummite, the two
orthoamphibole, anthophyllite (Mg,Fe)7Si8O22(OH)2
and gedrite (Mg,Fe)5Al2(Al,Si)8O22(OH)2,
both with a hardness of 5 to 5.6, constitute a mixture of elongated crystals,
often in sheaf-like groups. In the transition between the individual crystals
(and especially the thin ones), an optical effect is created causing a special
“inner” golden brown glow. This effect is also called iridescence, and is
especially distinct on polished surfaces. The result is that the crystals appear
as bright lamellae, almost like flames in a fire. The colors vary somewhat
between reddish, greenish, and bluish hues, sometimes even within the same
lamella. Between the bright lamellae, the color is dark brown to black.
Nuummite is
generally easy to polish, even though, in certain qualities of stones with many
parallel crystals, it can be difficult to avoid holes and cracks. The usual
shape is cabochon, but other convex finishes also produce pleasing results. In
larger pieces it is possible to retain most of the colors of the iridescence, so
that one end of the cabochon has a golden hue while the opposite end has a
bluish tone. Nuummite is well suited to mounting in both gold and silver.
