
Jewel Stones of Greenland


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The mineral Tugtupite was unknown until 1957, when it was discovered almost simultaneously in large quantities on the Narsaq peninsula (the Ilimmaasaq intruision.) and to-date has only been found in two other areas - Mt. St. Hilaire (Canada) and the Kola Peninsula (Russia). The richest veins are found in the Kvanefjeld Kvanefjeld is scattered in irregular hydrothermal veins up to 50cm wide. Only Tugtupite from Greenland is deeply colored and valued as a gemstone. area, where the Tugtupit has a deep red colour. The hardness is 6 to 6˝ Mohs. It occurs along with white minerals such as Albeit and Analcime, yellow ones such as Pyrochlore and Zincblende, and black-greenish ones such as Aegirine. Individually hewn-out Tugtupite are therefore often multicoloured and veined, which gives the stone its characteristic appearance. In other places in the area, Tugtupit are found with a light-red, white and even blue-green colour. The stone's colour can be altered - for instance a strongly coloured Tugtupite can become faded when stored in the dark. However, it regains the colour when it is exposed to sunlight. Other varieties fade in sunlight but get their


colour back. These colour changes are due to microscopic impurities in the mineral's crystal structure. Tugtupite has a fluorescence behaviour when exposed to long-wave ultraviolet (u.w.) light. The Tugtupite was first introduced as a precious stone by the Royal Court Jeweller, Ove Dragsted. Today it is widely used in the local production of jewellery in the Narsaq area, where it's strong and varied colours are utilized.

“For ages, the Inuit of Greenland have understood the power of tugtupite. Legend has it that lovers can cause the stone to glow fiery red just from the heat of their romance. The brilliance and vibrant colors announce the intensity of their love.”

Do you feel the freedom and greatness flow from the Tugtupite. It awakes forgiveness and the ability to sacrifice and a endless love to yourself and all living. Both the colour and energy from the stone is intense glowing. This is a stone which really gives a wonderful thrilling feeling in the stomach. A feeling of recognition. Oh the feeling, that awakens the memory and makes it possible for us to place our feelings and emotions at the right time. It is like bricks in a puzzle, which solves automatically. It is like being prepared to face even the worst possible situations. The stone is magnificent for raising the conscience to deal with work on a higher plane. A little stench of magic. Or like a really good friend saying "There is not a ordinary day,

all days are magical." Tugtupit is

Tugtupite data  is a rare beryllium aluminium tectosilicate. It also contains sodium and chlorine and has the formula Na4AlBeSi4O12Cl.[1] Tugtupite is a member of the silica deficient feldspathoid mineral group. It occurs in high alkali intrusive igneous rocks.

Tugtupite is tenebrescent, sharing much of its crystal structure with sodalite, and the two minerals are occasionally found together in the same sample.


last update: 08. august 2013